
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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@nessisonett [sheepishly raises hand as a Brit raised in a Mega-CD household]

Well, technically it was one of those dual consoles, so the Mega-CD was bolted to a base unit shared with a MegaDrive II... and yet we didn't have Sonic CD for it so, like @Thrillho up there, I have zero nostalgia for that specific game. Sol-Feace, on the other hand...

Are you gonna continue through Origins and play Sonic 2 next? It'll be interesting to see whether your fond memories of it still hold up.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Already played through the first couple of zones! The story mode is a bit of an odd inclusion in Origins but the animated cutscenes are pretty cool and it’s nice to play them all in a row like that. It’s a good game to play in bed on the Switch as well, although I’ve realised that I left it so long that there’s apparently a massive patch/DLC coming!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Outriders - completed the story, there is an end game but I'll probably just jump in and out of it. Enjoyed this one, a really interesting take on looter shooters, story was a bit generic and rushed but it's the end game these games thrive on and I haven't really got in to that yet. The plat is doable but grindy so I'll see if I Enjoy the end game enough to keep going.
Some really interesting mechanics and the levelling system is also interesting and well balanced.

The game is £5 in CeX, the campaign takes around 10 to 15 hours and the end game has well over 40 hours of content so if you like shooters it's well worth it. Haven't played co-op yet but I reckon especially in endgame it would be a blast.



I recently finished on the Series S, RE2 remake (second time, first was on PS4), and RE3 remake.

I also finally got around to playing and completing TLoU 2. Took around 31hrs in total.

Yes, I bet you have...


Just finished the main story of Assassins Creed: Revelations and narrative-wise I thought it was pretty good fair play. Tied up Ezio’s adventures nicely, harked back to Altair which was a pleasant surprise and actually seemed to move the Desmond story forward in a meaningful way.

Gameplay-wise… it actually felt more janky than AC2 and AC: Brotherhood. It’s probably not the case in fairness and is possibly more down to the frame of mind I’ve been in while playing it opposed to the previous games… but I did find it extremely frustrating getting 100% sync here! Map-wise, I think I probably liked Constantinople more than the Italian maps of the other two Ezio games and while I’m aware that this is obviously the PS4 remaster, it looked beautiful tbh.

Edited on by colonelkilgore


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