
Topic: What (Non-PS4) game are you playing??

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I went old skool on my most recent playthrough of "Resident Evil 4" by booting it up on the Nintendo Gamecube. I don't know if it's the onscreen letterbox black bars making the whole thing feel more "cinematic" or just the feel of the (still incredible) controller but I think this is still my favourite version - remake included. Nostalgia is a helluva drug.

Edited on by LN78



@LN78 I know what you mean about the controller, while I’ve been loving Metroid Prime Remastered with the Pro Controller, it just isn’t the same without the Cube controller. There are a lot of games like that which the specific button layout of that controller feels perfect, either that or my brain is just hard-wired from an early age to prefer the ABXY buttons in that odd shape.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett For sure - I point blank could not play the "Metroid Prime" port on the Wii even though the motion control aiming was objectively better. I'm really glad you enjoyed the Switch remaster - it's my GOTY so far.



@LN78 It’s one of those things where I actually quite like all 3 control schemes for Metroid Prime but for different reasons!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


D'oh. I completely forgot you can just buy a rocket launcher from the merchant outside the Salazar boss arena and gank him in one shot. In fairness it has been a few years since I played the original "RE4", but still - I just wasted nearly an hour trying to beat him with rifle ammo!

Edited on by LN78



Made a start on Life is Strange 2, there is quite a lot of tribalism in that fanbase, so it was hard to parse what was genuine criticism versus people simply making stances to support their chosen collective, but I know there are people out there who absolutely hate this, even more than Deck Nine's titles. And that says a lot, as a subsect of the fanbase REALLY hates those.

However, at least based on the first episode, I am very much in the camp that thinks this absolutely terrible. At its best it shows no meaningful evolution from the original game, at worse it feels like complete regression.

It has more varied environments than the original Life is Strange, but the artstyle is still ugly and this runs even worse on the Deck than the original or Before The Storm did. You had to run True Colors on fairly low settings to get a stable experience on deck, which was a shame, but I couldn't even achieve that with Life is Strange 2, no matter how low I ran it, in places it just absolutely chugged.

Don't Nod went for a more point and click adventure approach like Deck Nine use, at least for this opening chapter, but I dunno, it still doesn't help the pacing. After a really clumsily written and executed sequence sets the game in motion, you would expect a really focused experience based on the set up, but everything feels aimless, and endless. This was the first chapter in a LiS game that had me pleading for it to end, but it just kept going and going, I didn't know the depths of the original game's tedium could be matched, let alone surpassed like it is here.

It has arguably the worst voice acting out of all four of the games, and the writing has never been worse. I'm not of the opinion that thinks politics have no place in games, and one of the best parts of the core Life is Strange is the challenging topics it tackles (even if not always successful) that are often not trodden by this medium, but if you wanna get onto a political soapbox you have got to have something to say. LiS is a thoughtful meditation on life, this? This is soulless. It has absolutely nothing to say beyond the most empty platitudes, it is a BLM in a Twitter bio of a person who does no other activism or charity beyond that.

Who knows. I heard that its the third chapter of this that will make you a fan of this if it is going to make a fan of you at all, so I guess we'll see where I land. The first chapter at least left a really bad impression.

Currently killing demons and obsessing over numbers in Diablo IV.


Started playing Sniper Elite V2 on Series X. For some reason, I've been craving a game where you play as a sniper. So I decided to fire up this one as it's been sitting in my backlog for years. And it's so much fun! I can't believe I haven't played this series until now. It's just so satisfying when you aim at an enemy and the camera follows the traversal of the bullet until it hits them.

My only gripe is that the missions are incredibly linear. The game keeps baiting me with different pathways that are dead ends. Then I recalled that the levels in the later entries are more open, so I'm definitely getting those games.



@LtSarge I actually think I prefer how linear V2 is. 5 is a fantastic sandbox Hitman-esque game but 3 and 4 don’t really reach the level of refinement yet to justify the switch away from linear levels. V2 really nails the feeling of being in occupied territory as well, with a really cool recreation of Berlin near the end of the war, as it’s crumbling. The later levels are insanely tense as well. I did play on the hardest difficulty though so it was basically a survival horror game!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Amazon ballsed up my Dead Island 2 preorder and I read about how the game has some second half difficulty spikes which are resolved with guns, so I ended up getting it on PC. I'm about 50% done based on the progression tracker, main questline is almost complete, but I've barely touched the side content yet.

Honestly, it might be lowkey my favourite game of the year so far. Like, I've definitely played better titles by conventional metrics this year, but this is just pure frictionless gaming, which as a guy in my 30s I've grown to just really appreciate.

I know I can just play this for hours on end and know I will have fun all the way through and experience basically no frustration at all. I compare that to something like the Resi 4 remake (cause zombies), which I would say is inarguably a better game by conventional metrics, but I've not been in the right headspace for that for weeks, because every chapter is a sweaty, exhausting, gauntlet. The challenge is well tuned, and thrilling if you are in the right space for it, but it just isn't what I want after a long day of work. DI2 just removes all barriers that may block your fun, and I just love it for that.

Currently killing demons and obsessing over numbers in Diablo IV.


@nessisonett As someone new to the series, I think V2 is a good entry point just to get familiar with the gameplay without feeling overwhelmed by so many different choices that you'll find in the later games that are more open. So I'm glad that there's at least one game like this in the series for us newcomers.



games im playing this year starting this month and through summer

Metroid Prime 1 and 2 for my Nintendo Gamecube during the summer

Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 5 for my Nintendo Switch

replaying Resident Evil Remake for my Gamecube

little bit of Final Fantasy XIII for my Playstation 3. trying to deal with that proto plant boss thing which i was trying to do last year



Xbox One:
Forza Motorsport 6 (not enjoying it but powering through it)
Ride 2
Dante's Inferno (360 backwards compatibility)
Brutal Legend (360 backwards compatibility)
Devil May Cry 5

Shining Resonance Refrain
Clive n Wrench
Disgaea 6
Bayonetta 3's final boss
Metroid Dread
Monster Hunter Rise
Only game not listed but finished being Gear Club Unlimited 2 (yes that's my whole Switch library so far)

Wii U:
Tank Tank Tank
Hyrule Warriors
whatever eshop stuff I haven't gotten around to that are Wii U Indie games or virtual console.

Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Crystal Warriors (Game Gear 3DS eshop)
Ironfall Invasion
Mole Mania (Gameboy 3DS eshop)

Speed Racer
Red Steel 1 & 2
Maybe NFS Nitro if I haven't given up enough on it yet.

NFS Underground Rivals got others but it's the one focusing on the most.

Trophy hunting a few games I own but mostly focusing on seeing how Minecraft, Borderlands 2 and Rayman Origins work on my PSTV. Otherwise was focusing on a few trophies or casual playthroughs of my other Vita games.
Regularly though playing Disgaea 3
and 40 Winks (wanted to try out a PS1 classic I hadn't and it's pretty fun).

Finished Unreal Tournament 3 which was a lot of fun even if just bot matches the campaign so on to
Blazing Angels (flight game)
MotorStorm and Apocalypse
The Darkness 2 (my disk stops we at load screens whether the side modes or the level after the prologue (the button presses don't work but did the first time after crawling on the floor to the streets but the loading screens just go on and on it doesn't work).

Conception Plus
Disgaea 5
I have others but those are the ones focusing on mostly right now. Like Redout, Utawareurmono Mask of Deception. I have GT Sport chillin there. A few others.
Besides Onii chanbara Z2 Chaos recently.

Edited on by SuntannedDuck2



Im playing Metroid Prime 1 for my Gamecube this weekend



Decided to actually play some of the Dreamcast sports games I own. So far NHL2K is fantastic and NBA2K is decent but pretty difficult to run plays. Plus Kobe got his ankles snapped in the first game of the season so I decided to cut my losses and see if NBA2K2 is any better.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@BeerIsAwesome Apologies; at the close of last night's livestream chat, I asked you about your progress with your current Sonic marathon and then rudely logged off. I did see your reply though, and wanted to ask about your plan to skip straight from Knuckles' Chaotix to the Adventure and Advance games. Did you play Sonic 3D (Saturn or MegaDrive) at all? Will you fold in Sonic R somewhere down the line, or are you sticking to the mainline story platformers?

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I actually went AFK the second I hit enter, so it's not like I replied instantly anyway. To answer your question with a bit more context: When Sonic Frontiers came out, I decided that as I was such a big fan of the franchise growing up (Sonic 3 was the first game I ever owned, and I still have the original cartridge to this day), I would play all the Sonic games I realistically could all the way from the very start, which means I can't play the arcade games or the Sega Pico games.

Strictly speaking, I'm not doing them in chronological order, as that would mean playing it as Sonic 1 (MD), Sonic 1 (GG), Sonic 2 (MD), Sonic 2 (GG) and so on, but instead I went through Sonic Origins from start to finish, then I decided to dig out the Gems Collection and Mega Collection on the PS2. So I've played all of the Mega Drive games, all of the Game Gear games, save for Tails' Adventure, and I've played Sonic The Fighters and Sonic R from the Gems Collection, as well as 3D and Spinball from the PS4 Mega Drive collection. As I never had a 32X, and Sega has never rereleased Knuckles Chaotix or the Advance games, they are going to be emulated.

I'm pretty sure Adventure came before Advance, so everything thereafter is just a case of playing each game one after another. And then maybe in a few decades, I might just start playing Sonic Frontiers...which is now no longer the most recently released Sonic game, given he got murdered on April Fools Day this year. 😭



In addition, I'm planning for Sonic Frontiers to be my 100th platinum trophy, and I'm currently on 97 (would've been 98 had Mad Max not glitched out on me), so I've been trying to speed my way (literally!) through Grid Legends, given it's an easy enough platinum.



@BeerIsAwesome Ah, phew!

That's one heck of an undertaking in honour of Sonic Frontiers but, given the game's change of genre and statement of intent for the future, it's probably the best time to stop and take stock of the series thusfar. I certainly think you've gone about it in the smartest possible way (although I have to ask, do you still have a functional MegaDrive to go with that original Sonic 3 cartridge?). I've never been brave enough to complete the GameGear games, but I have tried them all, at least. Mega Collection Plus and Gems Collection on PS2 are still my gold standard when it comes to retro compilations!

Has the experience led you to re-evaluate your opinion of any particular game? Or are they all falling in line with what you've always thought of them?

Best of luck making Frontiers your platinum centenary! It's a pleasant-enough undertaking, nowhere near as gruelling as Unleashed or Forces. At least, the longer you take to get around to it, the more of its free DLC will be made available! I'm currently watching a voice-acted playthrough of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and it's freakin' delightful, so I hope you enjoy that, too!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I do have a working Mega Drive, though the last time I touched it was several years ago, so it probably may require a bit of TLC first. Sonic Origins just happened to come along at the perfect time. The Game Gear games are not a million miles away from the Mega Drive games, just a bit clunkier. Though the ability to quick save and resume in the collections is a godsend!

I don't think I'll ever consider a Sonic game bad, given I'll forever wear rose tinted glasses for the series. But I can still objectively think one is better than another. Of what I've played so far, I'd say Spinball for the Game Gear and 3D for the Mega Drive are probably the bottom two. Can't wait for Sonic 06!😅

Thanks muchly! I did take a look at some of the trophy guides. The Sega All Stars games have now-unobtainable online trophies, Unleashed requires a lot of grind, Forces and Colours require not as much, but still a decent amount. Frontiers is simply just appropriate in the end.

Haha, I look forward to it, but then I like a good visual novel. 🙂



@BeerIsAwesome Origins really did drop at the perfect time, didn't it? It hit just right for a lot of folks, myself included. You're right, though, I do miss the "save anywhere, any time" feature from those PS2 collections, which is why I reckon they're still my gold standard (that, and they separate out the three different versions of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with the original soundtrack still intact).

Yep, I wear those same rose-tinted specs. There are some Sonic games I'll avoid, not enjoy as much, or otherwise refer to as being objectively bad, but the fact that I've still given 'em a shot to form an opinion speaks volumes (because heck, some really are a struggle to play).

Speaking of which, I can't stand either of the Spinball games, so I'm with you on that one!

As much as I love all three of the Sumo Digital kart racers, I've never been able to platinum any of 'em thanks to their inclusion of four-player and online trophies. Unleashed was (and is) a monumental platinum; having to complete three flawless runs of Eggmanland is just... yikes. Colours Ultimate is probably your best secondary option for a Sonic plat, after Frontiers. It's not as demanding as Forces but still requires some focus. Helps that the game's super-short, so it doesn't take too long.

Please do continue to share your progress every now and again (if possible; no pressure)!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987

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